Ingrown Hair: What It Looks Like, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

how to remove an ingrown hair

We have a hunch that you’re here because you’re wondering if it’s no big deal to attempt ingrown-hair removal yourself. Here’s what you should know about getting rid of one safely, as well as how to prevent them from showing up in the first place. She brings nearly a decade of writing and editing expertise, and her work has appeared in Allure, Health, Fitness, Marie Claire, StyleCaster, and Parents. She also has an unhealthy adoration for Tom Hanks and would like to please meet him one day, if you could arrange that. If your skin is really red, apply a cold compress, advises Dr. Wechsler — an ice pack wrapped in a soft cloth.

Step 3: Use a Cortisone Cream

A hair becomes ingrown if it grows back into your skin while being outside of its hair follicle. The curlier the hair, the more likely it is to become ingrown. A hair can curve back into your skin as it grows out and become trapped under your skin.

Using Home Remedies to Treat Ingrown Hairs

"Going against the grain may allow for a closer shave, but the closer the shave, the easier it is for your hair to curl back into your skin," says Dr. Frieling. And when you do shave, make sure the blade you're using is fresh and sharp; the duller the blade, the more you're scraping the skin, upping the likelihood of irritation and ingrowns, she adds. If you can't go that long without removing your hair and other self-care techniques aren't helping, your health care provider might recommend medications, laser-assisted hair removal or both. People with coarse, thick, or curly hair are often more likely to have ingrown hairs.

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If it seems like there are more ingrown hair bumps on your bikini line than anywhere else, that's not your imagination. Because pubic hair is more coarse and curly, you're more likely to develop ingrowns in this area, adds Dr. Icecreamwala. Ingrown hairs can be more common in people with coarse or curly hair.

how to remove an ingrown hair

Video of Dog With 'Biggest' Ingrown Hair Viewed Over 19M Times - Newsweek

Video of Dog With 'Biggest' Ingrown Hair Viewed Over 19M Times.

Posted: Tue, 03 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Warm compresses soften your skin and may help ease inflammation and discomfort by allowing your skin to open and drain if there’s any pus present. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Ingrown hairs can also result from increased friction that occurs when clothes rub against recently waxed dry skin. Shaving in the opposite direction can cause the hairs to have very sharp tips. This makes it easier for them to penetrate the skin and grow inward.

How to get rid of razor burn, according to dermatologists - NBC News

How to get rid of razor burn, according to dermatologists.

Posted: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What questions should I ask my healthcare provider?

Some doctors believe that ingrown hairs also cause pilonidal cysts. These pockets of hair and skin debris usually happen at the base of your tailbone, between your buttocks. Do so in a circular motion on the skin where you plan on shaving. The circular motion gently scrapes away dead skin cells, offering softer skin upon removal. Removing dead skin cells encourages clean pores and follicles.

After your salicylic acid dries, you can “dab a little bit of over-the-counter cortisone cream on the bump to settle down the inflammation and soothe any accompanying razor burn,” says Dr. Gohara. “Cortisone cream shrinks swollen skin by constricting blood vessels, so you’ll get some relief from pain and redness at once.” Apply a thin layer once a day until the bump heals. Every time you shower, make sure to gently slough away dead skin with a scrubby mitt or a gentle face scrub to keep your hairs from growing inwards or getting caught in the follicle, she says. While a body scrub is a-ok for the majority of your skin, make sure to use something gentler for the sensitive skin around your bikini line. To make the inevitable a little more bearable—and get your skin in shape for summer—Dr.

If an infection develops and worsens, you may need medical treatment. Never pick or pop an infected ingrown hair, as this also increases the risk of complications. Keep reading to learn how to recognize an infected ingrown hair, as well as tips for treating and preventing them. This will help to eliminate the blockages from deep beneath the skin’s surface. Salicylic acid also makes the skin more penetrable which means that, in future, hair follicles will be able to push through.

Ingrown hairs are breeding grounds for a staph infection, and sometimes staph can be quite serious. This may help coax the hair up and out through the skin if you can see the hair and if it’s very close to the surface, says Dr. Weschler. If your infection is mild or infrequent, you may be able to use home remedies. If infections recur or are severe, you may need medical treatment. 'Ingrown hairs can be itchy and cause irritation to the skin.

Ingrown hairs are seen most often on the face, particularly around the beard area for men. The areas that are shaved most often such as the chin, cheeks and neck are known to be common ingrown hair locations. For both men and women, ingrown hairs are also often seen in the armpits, pubic area and legs … once again, areas where hair removal is commonly performed on a regular basis.

If you attempt to remove only a partially extracted hair, it may remain stuck. Usually, gently tugging a typical ingrown hair will be enough to remove it. Needing a doctor for further help isn’t often necessary as long as you follow these steps. Unfortunately, ingrown hairs come with the territory of hair removal.

They may also be likelier to occur when the hairs are very short, such as after waxing, shaving, or tweezing. Ingrown hairs often create an inflamed red bump or dot that may itch or cause pain. An ingrown hair may also become infected, forming a pimple-like wound. As we mentioned, ingrown hairs can get infected and become even peskier than they already are.

Make sure you always use some sort of lubrication (like a shaving cream or gel) too, which also softens hair and prevents irritation. No matter your hair removal method, exfoliating regularly is a surefire way to help prevent dead skin cells from blocking the hair follicles, says Dr. Icecreamwala. Swipe-on pads make daily exfoliation easier and faster than ever. Try SweetSpot Labs Buff & Brighten Body Exfoliating Pads ($30;, which work well on the bikini area, legs, and underarms.


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